Killing is Fun 25. október 2006 09:50 Hugleikur Dagsson: "Very insane and very funny. " British newspaper The Guardian featured Icelandic comic author Hugleikur Dagsson in its weekend edition. A three-page interview illustrated with Dagsson's ironic and morbid comics was titled " I like killing" and quoted him saying things like " I love killing and vomiting in cartoons." The journalist adds that few things are sacred to the young Dagsson, whose "Avoid Us" is about to published in Britain. The Guardian did not publish a photograph of Dagsson which he, in a Fréttablaðið interview said he is happy with." They were intending to do a photo shoot but somehow it fell through. That's a stroke of luck as I have a great problem with my appearance, I'm so ugly that this is just a plus." Avoid Us has sparked a dicussion thread on where readers either love Dagsson's dark humour or find them outrageous and over the top. Cartoonist Alan Moore recently praised Dagsson and called him " Very very insane and very very funny." News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent Tók hnífinn með af því að honum fannst hann „töff“ Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent
British newspaper The Guardian featured Icelandic comic author Hugleikur Dagsson in its weekend edition. A three-page interview illustrated with Dagsson's ironic and morbid comics was titled " I like killing" and quoted him saying things like " I love killing and vomiting in cartoons." The journalist adds that few things are sacred to the young Dagsson, whose "Avoid Us" is about to published in Britain. The Guardian did not publish a photograph of Dagsson which he, in a Fréttablaðið interview said he is happy with." They were intending to do a photo shoot but somehow it fell through. That's a stroke of luck as I have a great problem with my appearance, I'm so ugly that this is just a plus." Avoid Us has sparked a dicussion thread on where readers either love Dagsson's dark humour or find them outrageous and over the top. Cartoonist Alan Moore recently praised Dagsson and called him " Very very insane and very very funny."
News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent Tók hnífinn með af því að honum fannst hann „töff“ Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent