Art Festival 13. október 2006 14:34 Myndlist Sequences Those walking around the city centre are encouraged to keep their eyes and ears open. Today begins the Sequences art festival which will take place not only in all galleries and museums in the city but also out on the streets. About 140 artists will participate in the art festival during the next two weeks. Most art institutions in the city participate in this project which is artist's response to the Airwaves music festival that begins next week. The art festival will take place not only inside the galleries but all over the city centre, in stores, on the streets and so on. „We want to reach as many people as possible and especially those who usually do not go to art galleries," says Nina Magnúsdóttir who organizes Sequences. The art festival will open tonight at The Living Art Museum and numerous artists will perform between 18.00 and 22.00. More information on News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent Töluðu saman í fyrsta sinn í tvö ár Erlent
Those walking around the city centre are encouraged to keep their eyes and ears open. Today begins the Sequences art festival which will take place not only in all galleries and museums in the city but also out on the streets. About 140 artists will participate in the art festival during the next two weeks. Most art institutions in the city participate in this project which is artist's response to the Airwaves music festival that begins next week. The art festival will take place not only inside the galleries but all over the city centre, in stores, on the streets and so on. „We want to reach as many people as possible and especially those who usually do not go to art galleries," says Nina Magnúsdóttir who organizes Sequences. The art festival will open tonight at The Living Art Museum and numerous artists will perform between 18.00 and 22.00. More information on
News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent Töluðu saman í fyrsta sinn í tvö ár Erlent