Whale ship in the shipyard 22. ágúst 2006 11:56 Hvalur 9, Stálsmiðjan, Slippur The whale ship Hvalur 9 was brought in the shipyard at the Reykjavík harbour yesterday for repairs. Bjarni Thoroddsen at Stálsmiðjan (steal smith) said this is the first time since 1989 that the ship is taken into the shipyard but the condition of the ship is far better than anyone dared to hope. The ship seems to be in almost the same condition as when it went down when whaling stopped in Iceland, 17 years ago. Kristján Loftsson, owner of Hvalur hf., was very happy about the day. He said he does not know if whale hunting will resume but he is hopeful. When asked what effect hunting would have on tourism and whale watching he answered: „It can go hand in hand. First you watch the whale and then you eat it." News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent
The whale ship Hvalur 9 was brought in the shipyard at the Reykjavík harbour yesterday for repairs. Bjarni Thoroddsen at Stálsmiðjan (steal smith) said this is the first time since 1989 that the ship is taken into the shipyard but the condition of the ship is far better than anyone dared to hope. The ship seems to be in almost the same condition as when it went down when whaling stopped in Iceland, 17 years ago. Kristján Loftsson, owner of Hvalur hf., was very happy about the day. He said he does not know if whale hunting will resume but he is hopeful. When asked what effect hunting would have on tourism and whale watching he answered: „It can go hand in hand. First you watch the whale and then you eat it."
News News in English Mest lesið Taldi vegið að æru sinni innan hundaræktarsamfélagsins Innlent Vill að borgin útbúi skýrar leiðbeiningar svo fleiri geti farið sömu leið og Arion Innlent Neitar að segja ef sér þrátt fyrir hávær áköll Erlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Kolefnisgjald hækkað en um minna en til stóð Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Skorar á fólk að dvelja heilan dag á kaffistofu Samhjálpar Innlent