Worst for Reykjavík? 14. júní 2006 00:01 Borgarstjórn fyrsti fundur nýs meirihluta Framsóknarflokkur og Sjálfstæðisflokkur Vilhjálmur Þ. The Leftist-Green Party issued a statement yesterday saying that the new Independence Party-Progressive coalition in Reykjavík city council is "the worst for Reykjavík," saying that the party is sorely neglectful of equal rights between genders in particular. "The new majority in city council has tried from the very first day to be the representative of old fashioned points of view," reads the statement, "not least of all regarding women's rights and equality." Dagur B. Eggertsson, city councilman for the Social Democrats, concurred with the statement, saying that in eight committees the new city council majority coalition has organised, "Two are led exclusively by men, four have just one woman, and two have three women," adding that the Equal Rights Committee of Reykjavík has directed city council to ensure equality between the sexes in all areas of city employment. - pfn News News in English Mest lesið Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Brenna líkin á nóttunni Innlent Rjúfa tólf vikna múrinn við rannsókn í Neskaupstað Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Töluðu saman í fyrsta sinn í tvö ár Erlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Húsfélag sektaði íbúa um 10 þúsund vegna of lélegra sameignarþrifa Innlent Svona var fundur ráðherra og ríkislögreglustjóra um landamærin Innlent
The Leftist-Green Party issued a statement yesterday saying that the new Independence Party-Progressive coalition in Reykjavík city council is "the worst for Reykjavík," saying that the party is sorely neglectful of equal rights between genders in particular. "The new majority in city council has tried from the very first day to be the representative of old fashioned points of view," reads the statement, "not least of all regarding women's rights and equality." Dagur B. Eggertsson, city councilman for the Social Democrats, concurred with the statement, saying that in eight committees the new city council majority coalition has organised, "Two are led exclusively by men, four have just one woman, and two have three women," adding that the Equal Rights Committee of Reykjavík has directed city council to ensure equality between the sexes in all areas of city employment. - pfn
News News in English Mest lesið Skyndileg krafa upp á milljónir króna eins og lélegt grín Innlent Hér eru „þessar elskur“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Brenna líkin á nóttunni Innlent Rjúfa tólf vikna múrinn við rannsókn í Neskaupstað Innlent „Ég er ekkert búin að læra“ Innlent Töluðu saman í fyrsta sinn í tvö ár Erlent Hófu frumkvæðisathugun á aðkomu Jóns í ráðuneytinu Innlent Húsfélag sektaði íbúa um 10 þúsund vegna of lélegra sameignarþrifa Innlent Svona var fundur ráðherra og ríkislögreglustjóra um landamærin Innlent